May is still Mom month. It’s the time when Ellen fills the seats with pregnant tummies and bloggers talk about moms. I am going to do a little bit of both. Okay many not filling seats with pregnant tummies but talk about things for the baby.
I thought I would create a Baby Must Have a list that moms want or desire or even what I wish I bought. It will defiantly help out for when your friends get pregnant and you are in search of a gift or for you to keep in mind when you have a bun in your oven. I wish I had some of these gadgets for when I was pregnant. Let’s see what I got in store for you!
Let’s talk about cribs first. Your baby needs to sleep in a crib right? Then look no further than a convertible. (not the car the crib lol) I think it is the best crib to get because it transitions along with your child from baby to toddler to almost a grown-up. Its the best money-saving choice you can make. Graco Mason Convertible Crib is a very nice option.
If you are planning on always having the baby bag and have no desire of ever having your husband carry your diaper bag then this Carter’s Baby Diaper Tote style bags are for you. This one is girly yet makes you a stylish mommy.
However, if you plan on sharing your diaper bag with your husband then this Skip Hop Baby Duo 3.0 Heather Diaper Bag will work for you. It was designed for mom and dad in mind (in other words your husband won’t be embarrassed to hold it.) Either one you choose you are going to need a reusable Diaper Wet Bag from Planet Wise. It is great on the go for diapers but when your child gets older you can also use it for holding wet clothes or wet swimsuits.
Car seat covers have gone from plain to stylish so this Itzy Ritzy Peek-A-Boo Pod, Rodeo Drive version does just that in the cutest way. Don’t stop there though, you can also cover your baby with this nursing cover by Planet Wise. These are great to have and there is also a version that is also a scarf too.
Rock your baby, in this Nuna® Leaf™ Swing that will surely help put your baby to sleep or at least give you a moment to put up your feet. When I saw this Baby Formula Preparation from BABY BREZZA I was amazed. I remember a time when my mom would make me do the formula preparation for my siblings. Things defiantly have advance. There is even a helping hand in cooking or steaming your baby’s food. Check this Beaba Babycook Pro2X Baby Food Processor and Steamer that does just that.
When its time to eat place your child in this neat Svan Signet Complete High Chair. This was featured on the Ellen show well it was actually given away to her viewers this year on her show. Of course, you need to push your baby in a stroller in style. I love jogger style strollers even though I am not using it for jogging. I find the larger wheels are easier to handle.
Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Click Connect Jogging Stroller is very similar to the set that I bought. Buying both the car seat and stroller in one price is a great two for one deal. The most popular stroller that every mom wants (including me… I begged for this stroller lol) is the 4Moms® ‘Origami’ Power-Folding Stroller. If it wasn’t for the price, that stroller would have been all mine.
So there you have it. My list is complete for now. Tell me what is on your list of awesome Baby Must-Haves that you have seen around?

we welcomed our new baby to our family just a few days ago and these are all great and needed items
come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com
Aww congratulations Angie on your new baby! Cherish every moment. I will check your site out 🙂